Our Team of Trained, Knowledgeable PMA Advisors is Growing.
As more people are being trained to assist others in learning about the private domain, and helping others to properly establish their own private associations and private social clubs we want to ensure you have access to them so you can be comfortable in knowing these advisors are more than capable of assisting you in protecting your own business or activities. Our advisors can provide you with all of the information you need to determine which type of private association, faith based association, or ministry can afford the most protections for your specific activities. Feel free to reach out to whichever PMA Advisor you feel most comfortable with and you can be assured all of our Advisors are fully capable of helping you.
Angie Taylor
PMA Power Certified Advisor
Helping other Natural Health Professionals, Midwives, Doulas, and Birthkeepers move into the private domain. As a Dr. of Natural Health, Private Midwife, Trauma-Informed Coach and more, Angie converted her public business into a Private Ministerial Association. She now only serves the private members of her PMA. This has opened the doors to the freedom our nation’s founding fathers (and mothers) created for all. Angie is now also able to advise others, including natural health professionals, and birth service providers (Midwives, Doulas, Birthkeepers, etc) on how to move out of the public domain by creating their own Private Membership Association that fits their needs and the needs of those they serve. Contact Angie to learn about the protections available to you within the private domain.
PMA Video Link: https://www.landbountifulministry.org/schedule-pma-consultation

Sarah DuVon
PMA Advisor
Many years ago, I became aware that our world was not running the way we were being told. Very few people knew this and the ones who understood this were not talking about it. Since that time, it has been my vision that the world would wake up and ban together to take our lives and freedoms back. That time is now! I am so proud to be working with David on this most important mission to bring PMA protections to our Communities, Businesses, and Families. I look forward to working with you to stand in your rights as men and women on your own terms.
~Sarah has a passion for the truth, she is a relentless researcher always following new leads to a better understanding. As a world traveler she spent many years in different countries learning their cultures. Sarah believes in kindness, self-sufficiency and the human race. Sarah has a background in Economics, Emergency Medicine, Education, and Sustainable and Eco friendly Building.

Ron and Pam Custer
PMA Advisors
Ron and Pam Custer have been married for 39 years and have worked as an entrepreneurial team that entire time. They've raised 5 children and are now proud grandparents of 17 assorted sweeties as well as great grandparents of 4 of the same.
Being ordained ministers since 1993 they are the co-founders of Roadside Ministries now firmly established as a Faith Based Private Membership Fellowship.
The ministry among other things now includes the determination to educate and help others bring their businesses and religous organizations out from under public statutory compliance and safely into the private jurisdiction.